- Release date

The release data on most of the trailer is seen at the end of the trailer. The release data left to the end of the trailer will make the audience want to see the film because of the exciting feature in the film. The release date is key for example a film that is about christmas will not be release in the summer time it will be release at a time that is suitable and will get the audience to see it. this also lines to the genre of the movie, for example a horror movie date would be release 2 weeks before Halloween.
- Production details

The production details are also very important. A company that is popular and is known for making great films will get the audience of that genre to watch it because of the previous successful films that where made. Lion gate entertainment is well known for their action and adventure films and the audience will recognise what genre of film the trailer is going to be about.
- The actors staring in the film and the director

Many people who watch films go and watch the film because of the actors or the actors name that is displayed in the trailer , this is a great way in marketing the film trailer. Some actor might be know for playing a character that is link to the genre of the film. famous actors and directors will sell capture the audience Russell Crowe is also known for playing a protagonist character in action based genre film like, Gladiator and Blood Oath. Directors are also Key when promoting a film trailer.
- USP(unique selling point)
Another Convention is the uniques selling point of the trailer. This is what sells the trailer, the director can use this to sell the movie. in this trailer the UPS is the female character that has committed the crime.
This create confusion for the audience because the and make them want to find out more about the character.The antagonist character is played mostly by a male character however the unique selling point could be the use of a female.

Also slow shot can be used to create a sense of realism allowing you to get a clearer view of the trailer.
- Music and Sound
The music in the trailer can give away clues as to want the film the trailer is advertising. loud screeching violin string and drum can automatically make us think of horror. The music play a big role in creating atmosphere in the trailer.
- Voice-over
The voice over is used to aid the audiences understanding of the film and also add anticipation. this can be used as a form of advertising the trailer, the male voice in the trailer builds a sense of mystery and suspence. this can be used as a marjeting device. The vocabulary and sentence structure needs to be consider when targeting a cetain audience.
Looking at the different convention of a trailer has shown me how film are promoted and how important certian convention are. Doing this research will help me and my group when we create our teaser trailer.
(The Next Tree days Trailer)
- USP(unique selling point)
Another Convention is the uniques selling point of the trailer. This is what sells the trailer, the director can use this to sell the movie. in this trailer the UPS is the female character that has committed the crime.
This create confusion for the audience because the and make them want to find out more about the character.The antagonist character is played mostly by a male character however the unique selling point could be the use of a female.
- Rapid Shots and Best bits
The audience are engaged by the use of rapid and quick shot which heighten anticipation making the audience want to watch the film, the rapid shot include the best bits of the film. The trailer builds to a climax via the rapid shot and use of black out making the audience recreate the action in their minds creating a sense of enigma.
Also slow shot can be used to create a sense of realism allowing you to get a clearer view of the trailer.
- Music and Sound
The music in the trailer can give away clues as to want the film the trailer is advertising. loud screeching violin string and drum can automatically make us think of horror. The music play a big role in creating atmosphere in the trailer.
- Voice-over
The voice over is used to aid the audiences understanding of the film and also add anticipation. this can be used as a form of advertising the trailer, the male voice in the trailer builds a sense of mystery and suspence. this can be used as a marjeting device. The vocabulary and sentence structure needs to be consider when targeting a cetain audience.
Looking at the different convention of a trailer has shown me how film are promoted and how important certian convention are. Doing this research will help me and my group when we create our teaser trailer.
(The Next Tree days Trailer)
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